Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Chapter 8 Look At This Family Tree Grow!

Every time someone places an order for The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, I scour my database to see if they’ve ordered before. Since 1994, I’ve looked at names of customers on a daily basis. Sometimes I think I know them by heart.

And what do I find?

Family trees. Both personal, geographical and corporate.

Because I give an undertaking to keep personal details confidential, I’m not able to reveal the full personal names in our family tree. But when I get emails telling me this order is going to the 3rd and 4th generation of a particular family, I can tell you I get a buzz.

A recent order goes like this. Robin is ordering for her daughter. “Can you believe you now have 3 generations of my family using your cover?” Robin’s mother purchased one for herself and then gave one to Robin as a gift.

I have quite a few unusual last names on my database. Some time ago I decided to ring to find the source of their orders. Yes, it was a brother, sister, mother or father who placed the original order. Sometimes an auntie, sometimes a grandparent.

Then we have extended families of friends. Lyn’s referred 4 friends to us who purchased the cover. How did Lyn find out about us? From her sister-in-law, Jane.

Teo’s referred at least 5 friends who have purchased. Three of her friends have gone on to order covers as gifts for their friends.

Margaret’s lost track of how many of her friends have The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover because of her.

Trish has given the cover to all her children, packed a suitcase full of them for a trip to the UK and her son gave one as a thank you present to a family he stayed with.

Then there are street addresses only a few numbers apart. Neighbour telling neighbour.

Who are the best at referring? Men! Men recognise a good product when they use it and are the first to tell their friends. Stan is a champ. We’ve got many men on the North Shore of Sydney ironing on their Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Covers because of Stan. And Harry isn’t slow either.

But the most revealing are the corporate addresses we mail to. Because we send all parcels Receipted Delivery, they must be signed for. So busy executives want their cover mailed to their place of work for ease of delivery. No last minute rush home to rescue the parcel from their local Australia Post post office.

And our customers come from a wide spectrum of the corporate world. The following companies have had more than one parcel delivered to their address. So it’s co-worker telling co-worker. During a coffee break or those odd moments when they can indulge in some personal time rather than corporate time.

These companies are listed below to show you how a small business like ours grows. With the help of our customers. Perhaps you recognise some of the corporate names, perhaps you work for one of these companies, but let me assure you these co-workers who tell each other about our product are vital to the future of our business!

ADI Limited
AMP Workspace
Amrad Corporation Pty Ltd
Astra Pharmaceuticals
Attache Software
Australia Post Marketing Dept
Australian Bridal Service
Australian Business
Australian Securities & Investment Commission
Bayer Healthcare
Bowring Macaulay & Barrett
Canon Office Systems
Cheney & Wilson
Choice Personnel Services Pty Ltd
Cisco Systems
Clayton Utz Solicitors
Communications Direct
Connect East
Coober Pedy Hospital
Corporate Public Affairs, Australia Post
Count Wealth Accountants
Cowley Hearne
DCB Advertising and Communications
Dome Books
Dominic Taranto
EGO Group
Ernst & Young
Federation Press
Fins Restaurant
FOXTEL Management
Gilbert & Tobin Lawyers
Grant Samuel
Hunts Leather
Illy Caffe
Inside Out Interior Decorating
Integral Event Management
Intentia Australia
Int'l College of Tourism & Hotel Management
James Hardie Industries
JL Lennard
John Heine & Son Pty Ltd
John Holland
Limon Financial Services
Liverpool Local Court
Macquarie Graduate School of Management
McCoy, Grove & Atkinson
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
Moneypenny Business & Tax
Musica Viva
National Bank
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Nine Network Australia
North Shore Private Hospital
NSW Dept Of Agriculture
Office Of The Governor
Ord Minnett
Osman Insurance Brokers
P&O Ports
Peter Hill Media Sales
Peter Shipway Real Estate
Phillips Fox
Pioneer Studios
Premier Cork & Timber
Prime Television
Rabo Bank
Radio 2CR
Royal Adelaide Hospital
RPR Consulting Pty Ltd
Rural Press Limited
Spencer Stuart
Spring Search & Selection
Standard & Poors MMS
Sydney Ports Corporation
Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Tanner Menzies Pty Ltd
Ten Capital
The Logo Works Pty Ltd
The Marketing Store
The Peninsula Group
University Of Tasmania
UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building: Fashion Design Section
University Of Tasmania, School of Fashion Design
Village Roadshow Ltd
Vision Super
Weekly Times Advertising
Westpac Banking Corporation
Willoughby City Council
WIN Television

We’re very proud of our customers and are always in awe of the help and encouragement they give us. They allow us to develop personal relationships with them and tell us their stories. We wouldn’t have this rich tapestry of family history if we sold only to retail stores. This is our reward for staying small, friendly and personal. Nothing beats this!

Although we are an accidental business, there are now more than 75,000 covers in use around the world thanks to our very supportive customers. And growing daily.

Since 1994 our covers have been made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability. They love what they do and it shows in the quality of our product.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come!

It’s 4AM and America is calling.
Wow! It’s a small world!

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Share your stories and comments with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Chapter 7 Why Retailers Turn A Deaf Ear

Our dedicated customers always ask us why we don’t have The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover in every retail store in Australia. It’s almost like a failing on our part.

I used to want to hang my head in shame, but no more. Our quality is far too superior to appeal to most retailers. That’s not bragging, it’s unfortunately a fact of life. Major retailers think everyone wants to buy cheap. I call it the Wal-Mart/Big W/K Mart syndrome.

Sometimes we want cheap. But many times, we want quality. And we often yearn for something different. Don’t we?

When you shop in large Australian stores, do you ever wonder why there’s a sameness in product from store to store? It doesn’t matter what store you visit, everything looks the same. There’s little difference between David Jones, Myer, Coles, Woolworths, Big W, K Mart and Target.

Just about everyone complains that it’s very difficult to find something unusual. Do you?

I always wondered about this sameness. Until we ventured into the retail environment.

Major stores don’t buy product with their customers’ satisfaction in mind.

They buy product to make the most amount of money they can in the shortest time span. If enough of us don’t buy something within a proscribed period, they delete it and replace it with something else. No matter how good it might be.

Their buying criteria is very strict.

Let’s start with David Jones. A store I personally like and have made a number of large white goods purchases because they stand by their customer if you have a problem. I’ve been a cardholder there since 1970 and have never been let down by their customer service.

In the mid 90’s, our customers kept asking us why The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover wasn’t in David Jones. They associate the quality of our cover with the quality sold by David Jones.

So I rang DJ’s. On the plus side, their buyer politely took my phone call. And explained to me that she knows who we are. Also knows people come to their stores asking for The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover.

But they won’t stock it because we don’t go through a distributor. They have a policy of never buying one product only from a supplier.

Why? It’s an accounting issue. The Accounts Department doesn’t want to have too many invoices to pay at the end of the month. They prefer buying many items from one distributor. Even though this adds to the cost of any product. After all, the distributor wants their share as well.

We don’t have enough profit margin in our cover to add the distributor, David Jones and us into the profit share. You’d pay close to $75 for the cover if we did. Would you? I don’t think so.

So a door is closed.

And many small, innovative businesses that make superlative products within Australia find themselves cut off from the major stores for the same reason.

Stores like Peters of Kensington, Lincraft, Myer, all the chain stores, share a common policy. They don’t pay ‘freight’. They expect the manufacturer (us) to absorb the cost of getting their product to the stores. Many also pay their suppliers’ invoices in 60 days, a period most small businesses with limited or no overdraft, find difficult to manage.

It wasn’t so long ago that retailers paid cash for their goods before, or on, delivery. Before the behemoth stores like Woolworths and Coles began to dominate the retail industry and insisted all purchases be on account. It was a time when a manufacturer could make a decent profit and keep their manufacturing within Australia.

How long ago? Would you believe up until about 15 years ago?

When the Roth family owned Lincraft, the up market fabric and haberdashery chain, we had our cover in 30 of their 60 stores. It was a huge seller in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney and Perth. When Philip Roth visited the stores, he expected to see The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover on the shelves. He loved the cover because it was innovative and Australian made. And the family paid their suppliers religiously every 30 days.

When the Roth family sold their stores, the new buyer had a different perspective. Lincraft moved from a family owned, know your supplier and customer philosophy, to a discount store philosophy.

We received a letter curtly telling us the name of the new owner and his terms of trade. They were:- no price increases, no freight to be charged, and payment of our invoices every 90 days. The letter lacked empathy and interest in who we were and what we made.

We asked ourselves if this is how they’ll also treat customers. And decided, yes it was. So we withdrew our product immediately. And over time, Lincraft has become a shadow of its former self.

There’s a saying that if you swim with sharks, expect to be eaten. And large retailers are eating up Australian suppliers at a dangerous rate. If suppliers were animals, they’d now be on the endangered species list.

Many suppliers are told to compete with prices from third world countries, or be deleted from the retailers’ list. Which is why Made In Any Third World Country is the label most commonly seen on the bottom of, or sewn into, the goods you buy.

With this philosophy also comes a lack of customer care, customer service and knowledge about what they sell.

We have no department stores in my nearest regional centre, Bathurst NSW. All we have is K Mart and Big W. Plus a specialist appliance store, RetraVision, which has an enviable, helpful approach towards customer service and product knowledge. They are simply the best in product knowledge and customer care.

When my food processor did its last spin in the bowl, I went looking for a new one. Unfortunately, RetraVision doesn’t sell food processors. Big W and K Mart both do, albeit a limited range.

Big W has the largest range. When I managed to track down a shop assistant (an achievement in itself) for advice, I was stunned by her answer. "We receive no training and know nothing about any of these appliances. All we do is sell them. You’re supposed to know what you’re buying".

It’s this remote, no care and no responsibility, attitude that prompted our decision to stay out of the retail network.

And another.

As our customer, we’d be offended to discover a retailer told you they know nothing about our cover. To direct you to the packaging to find out whatever you might need to know that will help you make a decision, isn’t how we want you to be treated.

And yet another. We’re not prepared to be ordered to run our business to please anyone other than you.

Oh, and one more. We won’t cut corners to provide an ever-cheaper price and an ever-diminishing product quality.

Yes, there’s one more. We love helping you.

Let’s see. That makes us unacceptable to all large retailers!

Which is good. Because if we don’t swim with sharks, we can’t be eaten!

Developing a market and a customer following away from the retail sector is a hard road to travel. It requires constant energy and almost Sherlock Holmes type investigation to find you.

There’s no market segment called ‘ironer’ that we can tap into easily. Our customers are mums and dads, celebrities, professional men and women and hobbyist quilters and sewers dedicated to their craft. Plus schools, laundries, dressmakers, fashion and bridal gown designers. You come from all walks of life and all over the world.

You’re sometimes as hard to find as a needle in a haystack.

So why do we choose this path?

This is so old fashioned, but it’s true. Because we think pleasing you, one on one, is so much more rewarding.

We like the warm, fuzzy relationship we have with you. We really like seeing the family tree grow with your referrals and your word of mouth. We like your positive emails, your phone calls, your suggestions for new products and your friendship. Most of all, we just really like you!

Establishing our business like this is similar to travelling down the yellow brick road with Dorothy and her friends to find the Wizard Of Oz. Always interesting, often delightful, full of obstacles and the eternal hope for the happy ending where you love your Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover!

We have 75,000 covers in use around the world, and growing daily. All made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

This is our reward. We have 75,000 customers who no longer buy their ironing board covers from major retailers.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come!

It’s 4AM and America is calling.
Wow! This is a small world!!

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Share your stories and comments with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Monday, September 11, 2006

Chapter 6 The Sydney Morning Herald Blows Up Our Fax Machine

“In the future, everyone will have their fifteen minutes of fame”.

Andy Warhol’s 1968 throwaway line becomes the inspiration and aspiration of everyone in business.

Including us!

Ever since we launched The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover in 1994, we’ve earmarked publicity as important.

The cover meets all the criteria for a successful publicity campaign. Breakthrough invention. Made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability. Architect solves a difficult problem with a simple solution.

But it has one overwhelming handicap. Ironing is a dull and boring subject!

And another handicap. An ironing board cover isn’t high tech. It’s low tech, or worse, no tech.

Just one big yawn for journalists.

Until 2002.

The first break is in July 2002 with ABC Radio National. Julie McCrossin’s Life Matters program is doing a special series on Innovative Businesses In The Bush. After listening to three programs, Victor prods me into ringing them with our story.

A call to Julie’s producer, Kathy Gollan, is met with the response the series is finished. In dismay, I blurt out to Kathy it can’t be. She hasn’t heard our story yet! Then I start telling her about our accidental business and don’t stop until I run out of breath. When I can no longer breathe, I have to stop talking!

Kathy, grabbing the opportunity to get a word in, gives me a reply that stuns and delights me. She’ll extend the series by one week, but only if I’m available for a live on-air interview the following week. It's a once only offer, take it or leave it.

I think I’ve died and gone to heaven!

The rules for the interview are simple. Absolutely no sales hype. And to keep talking.

Stop talking as soon as Julie asks a question and then keep talking until Julie asks another question. Then keep talking until the next question. This is no problem for me as I can talk under water with marbles in my mouth!

I am allowed one piece of sales hype.

I can tell the listeners that The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover is sold by telephone marketing by the charity The Guide Dog Associations in NSW/ACT, SA, and WA to raise funds to train their guide dogs and pets as therapy dogs.

But I'm not allowed to give any details about how to contact our company. And Julie is very adept at adhering to this!

Not expecting much to happen, I don’t tell The Guide Dogs’ in any of the three states about the upcoming interview.

Remember the Scout motto of ‘always be prepared’? It's a good motto to follow. Guess who wasn’t?

10 seconds after the interview ends, the public jams the incoming lines of Guide Dogs NSW with queries and orders, to the extent that no one in their offices can make any outgoing calls for the rest of the day! It takes three people in NSW to staff the switch. WA, 3 hours behind, is forewarned by NSW, so is ready!

The Guide Dogs NSW email me. It's just one question. Who’s your PR agent?!

Flushed with a new sense of confidence, we venture forth into renewed activity to generate publicity. And are met with the familiar lack of interest.

Until Victor approaches Guy Allenby of the Sydney Morning Herald. He’s full of interest because he irons!

A journalist who irons is as valuable as a Japanese princess who produces a boy child!

But he’s also full of pessimism because he’s never had, or heard of, or seen a cover that doesn’t move on his board.

To prove it, we send him one to test drive.

The test drive is a success!

The deal is done. He’ll run a story about the cover and us in a Thursday edition of Domain magazine. In October or November 2002.

October and November 2002 come, go, and no story appears. So we forget about it. Chalk it up as another case of lack of interest by the publisher.

December 12, 2002 is a beautiful, balmy pre-Christmas day in Ilford. My early morning walk with the dogs down to the creek and back is pure bliss. The rising sun of early summer warms the heart and cheers the soul.

And the day just gets better.

The first call comes at 7:30AM. A young lady from Clayton Utz Solicitors wants to order a cover. “How did you find out about us”, I ask. “In the Sydney Morning Herald”, she replies. “A full-page story about you is in Domain magazine”.

Victor is just leaving for a meeting. As he goes out the door, I manage to tell him the article finally appears.

That’s the last minute I have to myself. Because the phone rings, and rings, and rings until 8:30PM!

In 2002, our website doesn’t have online ordering yet. But we do have a downloadable order form that can be faxed to us. And the faxes come non-stop until our geriatric fax machine runs out of puff at 3PM.

Victor arrives back at 4PM to be greeted by a mad woman. Me!

I race out of my office, the cordless phone permanently attached to my left ear. I frantically wave and point to the fax machine and in between phone calls try to tell him the fax has blown up and he has to fix it.

He has no idea how busy I’ve been with phone calls all day and doesn’t understand why I can’t speak in a complete sentence. Nor does he fully comprehend the language of frantic waving and pointing.

It’s as if he’s come back to unfamiliar surroundings!

But he quickly gets the gist of the waving and pointing. He’s also an excellent Mr-Fix-It and inspects the internal workings of the fax. “That’s it”, he says. “It’s sent and received its last fax”. The circuit board suffered meltdown from the heat of the non-stop faxes!

In the meantime, the fax telephone keeps ringing because people are still trying to send faxes. To keep our sanity, we take it off the hook.

At just before 5PM, we urgently ring Pencraft in Mudgee to organise a new fax.

Malcolm has one ready for us at 7AM the next morning. Victor is back by 8:30AM with an assurance that all we need to do is plug it in. And at the flick of the ON switch, we receive our first fax order of the day!

The phone calls continue until the 22nd of December, 2002. To our dismay, each day is as intense as the first day. We send out so many parcels, our local post office in Kandos NSW isn’t big enough to contain the daily deliveries. The overflow goes out the back door.

We even deplete their supply of parcel post bags.

As every company winds down for the Christmas break, we also deplete our sewing company’s ability to supply product. Their Christmas break starts on the 17th of December and they get out all they can by then. And ditto again for our supplier of felt underlay. They have nothing left to send us by the 22nd of December, their last day of business.

This isn’t just 15 minutes of fame. This is a gala performance worthy of bringing the house down.

And no one knows why.

Guy Allenby of the Sydney Morning Herald is truly surprised at the response. Other articles that appeared that day in Domain generated no response, so he’s at a loss as to why this is so remarkable.

But remarkable it is. The calls continue well into March of 2003.

And people still remember the story. Our latest sale from that article is 2nd September 2006 at Mosman Arts & Craft Market in Sydney. Dorothy remembers it when she sees our cover on display. And takes one home with her.

There’s a conundrum in business.

If I tell you we have the most trouble free, time saving ironing board cover in the world, you don’t believe me.

But if Guy Allenby of the Sydney Morning Herald writes that this is the greatest cover he’s ever used, the whole world believes him.

Third party endorsement is that powerful. Which is why publicity is so valuable and highly sought after.

And why we wish ironing wasn’t such a dull and boring subject!

In spite of this, there are now more than 75,000 covers in use around the world. And growing daily. All made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at http://www.interfaceaustralia.com

And there are more stories to come!

It’s 4AM and America is calling.
The retail world has a deaf ear.
Wow! This is a small world!!

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Share your stories with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Chapter 5 Bikers In Helmets! Is This A Raid?

We live and work in the Australian bush. In an absolutely beautiful part of the Central Tablelands of New South Wales (NSW).

Ilford is a little village of a few families tucked between the scenic hills of Bathurst and the burgeoning vineyards of Mudgee. We’re 970 metres high, have cold frosty winters and hot dry summers.

Our remote property is 54 hectares (133 acres) and our nearest neighbour is a few kilometres away. Our garden is a hectare (almost 2.5 acres).

Autumn in our garden is a kaleidoscope of falling autumn leaves and spectacular colour over a long period.

Spring is the harbinger of sensual pleasures that only wet winters across the Great Dividing Range of Australia can produce, with fragrance filling the air.

Intoxicating wattle, thousands of fragrant bulbs of jonquils and freesias abound, flowering honeysuckle drapes a hectare of fence line and our house, more than 200 scented roses fill the air, the 20 philadelphus shrubs in bloom for just a few weeks turn visitors weak at the knees and our thousands of lavender shrubs are billowing early musky blooms in every direction.

Bathurst is an hour away. Mount Panorama is the mecca for the Bathurst Car Races and Bathurst Motorcycle Races. At two different times of the year.

We’re also only 15 minutes away from the historic gold mining town of Sofala and a hop, skip and jump away from the Turon Technology Museum. Hill End is a little further away, but more spectacular an old gold mining town than Sofala.

All are weekend getaways for touring bikes.

Then there’s the world famous vineyards in the town of Mudgee, 70 kilometres west, which hosts annual general meetings for the Ulysses Club and other national bike clubs.

The sound of bikes on the Sofala Road, 400 metres away from us, down the dirt lane from our front gate, is a week-end given. And when it’s a serious bike convention, we’re standing at the gate, watching them ‘vrooooom’ by, in awe.

So why does a convoy of bikers coming up our dirt lane in early spring concern us?

Because we’re from the city. If we can't see the whites of their eyes, we distrust them!

So when a group of about a dozen bikers stormed our front gate, we became a bit anxious.

The lead biker took off his helmet to reveal a full growth of beard, longish curly red hair and a full moustache. The only thing missing were the tattoos on his upper torso, which we couldn’t see because he had his leather bikers' jacket on.

We met him at the gate. Him on one side and Victor and me on the other side with our dogs as a backup.

He politely asked us if this is where they can buy The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover.

I was sure I hadn’t heard him correctly, so asked him to repeat his question!

I’d heard him right the first time.

My next thought was, “they think we keep cash on the premises!!”

But there was something about his polite demeanour that made Victor and me think this young man wasn’t a threat.

And he wasn’t.

The dozen bikers were from the Australian Navy, on leave for a few weeks and letting their hair down.

One of their group was given a Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover by his mother and they all came to take one back to their naval base to use.

Our tentative suspicion quickly turned to a warm welcome, with the gate opened wide and 12 leather booted and leather clad bikers marching through to the front door.

They all squeezed into our tiny packing room, selected their colours, paid for their purchases, refused the offer of a cup of tea/coffee because they had a 4 hour bike ride ahead of them, and left in the same haze of dirt that brought them up to the gate.

Victor and I looked at each other, shook our heads, and said, “Can you believe that?”

And we couldn’t.

This accidental business has taught us to expect everything and be surprised by nothing. It’s also enriched our lives and given us many stories to dine out on!

The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover is a simple solution to a difficult problem.

Although it’s an accidental business, it’s growing daily, thanks to our bikers and the more than 75,000 users around the world. And all our covers are made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at http://www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come!

A news article in the Sydney Morning Herald blows up our fax machine.
It’s 4AM and America is calling.
The retail world has a deaf ear.

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I hope you’ll share your stories with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Chapter 4 Squabbles & Tittle Tattle About An Ironing Board Cover

It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Couples squabbling over an ironing board cover. And what can there be to gossip about?

Read on because we have the stories.

A telephone call at 6:00am one crisp morning takes us by surprise. It’s an order for an ironing board cover!

What a relief. We were sure someone had died!!

The caller is apologetic and explains he’s a forestry worker on his way to work. He needs the cover urgently and wants to make sure we post it that day so he gets it the next day. He isn’t far away. Just the other side of Bathurst NSW.

I do some market research when I take an order. Simple questions like:- Are you a new customer or an existing customer?

His answer? I’m both!

He sheepishly explains his predicament. He and his wife are separated. His wife took their Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover with her and left him the ironing board and the ‘tattiest cover I’ve ever seen’. He bought a supermarket cover and can’t iron on it. It never stays still. Always jumps around.

He went further. To tell you the truth, my wife and I don’t speak. But I want your cover so badly, I swallowed my pride and rang her to get your telephone number so I could order one.

I’ve seen forestry workers and they’re not known for their sartorial elegance!

Why does he need a really good cover like The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover? And why does he need one by tomorrow?

With a little prodding (I’ve got to be quick:- he’s on his way to work), I discover he has a new woman in his life. He sees her almost every night and he wants to show her his best side – which is his well ironed side! Tomorrow’s Friday and on Saturday they’re going to a wedding and he needs to iron his best suit to perfection.

Lucky me. And lucky him for finding a woman he wants to please!

Every April the Bathurst Show Society stages the Royal Bathurst Agricultural Show. When we exhibited there in 2000, a previous customer purchased a cover to replace the one she bought 3 years before. We chit chatted like old friends, caught up on the latest news, and then she was off.

In July that year, she came to our exhibit at The Mudgee Field Days. She tapped her well manicured nails on our ironing board and said she needed another cover, plus felt underlay, plus pressing cloth. The whole set.

While packing it up, I asked her who she was giving this to, as I assumed it must be a gift.

It’s for me, she said. My husband left me suddenly and when my back was turned, came back and took your ironing board cover off my board and took it with him!

I’ve fixed him, though, she says. I changed the locks on my house and won’t give him the remainder of his prized CD collection. It’s now part of the divorce settlement he has to negotiate!!

Samantha and Regina flatted together for quite some time. Their mother, Margaret, is a customer of many years. She bought them a cover as a present when they first moved in together.

Samantha fell in love and moved in with her boyfriend. But wanted to take their Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover with her. Regina flatly refused. Margaret says they resolved the stalemate by flipping a coin. Heads, Samantha takes the cover with her, tails Regina gets to keep it.

Regina won. And Samantha’s boyfriend bought her a new cover as a surprise present!

Then there are the couples who both iron, but don’t like the other partner ironing for them. They bicker over each other’s ironing techniques. They have separate boards and buy their covers in their favourite, albeit different, colours.

A butler in the wealthy eastern suburbs of Sydney is a continuing source of referrals for us. His referrals are always unexpected and their stories colourful.

When I recently asked a new customer how he found out about us, I was given this answer.

"I was at a dinner party in Bellevue Hill and the subject turned to ironing. (Can you believe this? Super wealthy business moguls and their wives chit chatting about an ironing board cover!) Everyone at the table complained about ironing board covers never fitting properly or staying put. Including my wife.

Although my wife has an ironing lady, she does her own last minute touch ups. She’s always so grumpy at the ironing board, I told everyone I have to leave ‘the area’ so I don’t become a target for her bad mood as well.

As I was leaving the dinner party, the butler took me aside, gave me your telephone number and details and told me I’ll never regret this purchase. He assured me my wife will be a different woman at the ironing board from now on."

No matter who you are, it’s the day to day little things in life that really annoy you. It’s also the simple solutions that make your life happier and less stressed.

The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover is a simple solution to a difficult problem.

It’s also an accidental business. And growing. There are now more than 75,000 covers in use around the world and increasing daily. And all our covers are made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at http://www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come!

The bikies who storm our front gate to buy a cover.
A news article in the Sydney Morning Herald blows up our fax machine.
It’s 4AM and America is calling.
The retail world has a deaf ear.

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I hope you’ll share your stories with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Chapter 3 Sewing Companies Bark & Bite!

Making the first 500 Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Covers on our dining room table was stretching our patience. This wasn’t what we wanted to do. As these covers were slowly developing into an unexpected business, we decided our time was better spent on market development, not making the product.

After a little searching, we found a sewing company in Bathurst, an hour’s drive from Ilford, who said they’d like to make the product. We gave them the opportunity to make a few dozen, so they could work out an appropriate price per cover, and agreed to a price. We placed an order for 250 covers to be ready for our first Mudgee Field Days in July 1994.

A few days before the Mudgee Field Days, we arrived to pick up our covers.

The first thing we noticed when we entered their building was the impenetrable barrier put in place which barred us from entering their sewing area. Prior to this day, we’d been able to freely access the back area and speak to the sewers to discuss any problems they were having and work out ways to make the sewing easier for them.

We didn’t twig to the fact this barrier was for us!

When we approached the counter, with our cheque made out for the agreed price, the business owner appeared with bad news. She told us the covers were more difficult to make than originally thought.

Remember, they practiced on a few dozen, which we paid for, before setting their final price.

She was adding an extra fifty cents to the price per cover.


That was an unexpected $125.00. We said we wouldn’t pay, couldn’t pay, and we have, in writing, an agreed price.

Her response?

We could see a solicitor, if we wished, but she wasn’t releasing the covers until we paid the extra $125.00.

My response?

Initially, it was to jump over the counter and do her great physical harm!

Fortunately for all of us, Victor was right behind me. His response was to take my arm, escort me out of the building and lock me in our car while he went back inside.

As an architect, Victor’s highly skilled in negotiating with builders, engineers, clients and tradesmen and women of every calibre. His skills are honed towards a win-win situation. Everyone must feel they’ve won something at the end of the deal.

When he returned to the car with our 250 covers, he told me he convinced her, albeit reluctantly, that the agreed price was a moral issue, but she still wouldn’t release the covers. After some verbal massaging on his part, and to ensure there was a win-win ending, he offered to pay her an extra 10 cents per cover. Which she accepted and released the hostages.

My innermost feelings hadn’t changed though. I’d spent my childhood playing on the streets of New York City with the neighbourhood boys. I learned a few things from them. That sometimes taking no prisoners is a good option!

The next stop?

A sewing company in Windsor, just outside of Sydney and about a 3 hours drive from Ilford. We found them in the Yellow Pages.

The factory owner was a great guy. Affable, experienced, eager to help us and wanting to do the work. He gave us an estimated price, but to make sure we wouldn’t experience the ‘Bathurst Hostage Syndrome’, we placed an order for 50 covers so they could work out an exact price and agreed to pay whatever price they set, to release those 50 covers. If the price was agreeable, we’d place an order for more.

He rang with a price a few cents more than his estimate. We liked their workmanship, so we placed an order for 500 covers.

By this time, The Guide Dogs were selling our cover over the telephone to raise funds for the training of guide dogs and pets as therapy dogs. They were a big client from the first day. So we really needed a company to make 500 covers at a time.

And what a relief to know we’d no longer be making ironing board covers!

A phone call from Windsor let us know the covers were ready to be picked up. With great excitement we got in the car and drove the 3 hours to get them.

A girl in the office directed us to a roller door. She said the covers were there.

As we approached the roller door, the floor manager, Mary, met us. First, she hastily thrust an invoice into Victor’s hand.

Then she started barking at us!

“Your covers are a pain in the bum to make!
You’re too fussy!
It is, after all, just an ironing board cover!!!!
No one here wants to make them!
Don’t come back!”

....are the words I seem to remember.

And with that, a man inside started hurling the covers, packed in plastic bags, out the roller door, bag by bag!

A ‘pugnacious dog’ had just bitten us on the hand!

Victor went into the office to talk to the factory owner. He was apologetic, but said his workers didn’t want to make them. Too fiddly, they told him. There was easier work to do.

Devastated, we drove back to Ilford hardly exchanging a word, each of us deep in thought. All we wanted was to find a company that would make our products with love and care.

A few days previously, I’d been reading Business Review Weekly magazine and remembered an article about the NSW Industrial Supplies Office. It helps businesses find companies to work with, it said.

That was a different perspective. We’re the government and we’re here to help.

In desperation, we rang early the next morning. We told them our criteria. First. We wanted to keep the manufacturing in the Central Tablelands, where we lived. Second. To be made with love and care by men and women who have a disability.

We thought that was a tall order.

But they rang back within 2 hours with the names of 3 companies they thought would suit us. Victor rang all three and we agreed to meet one company that day. And it’s been a perfect match ever since.

Wangarang Industries in Orange NSW has been sewing for us since 1995. Finding them was like Goldilocks finding just the right bed to sleep in.

And like Goldilocks, I let out a great sigh of relief. This time I knew I’d sewn my last Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover!

This accidental business is growing. There are now more than 75,000 covers in use around the world and increasing every day. And all our covers are made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at http://www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come!

Divorcing couples fighting over their ironing board cover.
The bikies who storm our front gate to buy a cover.
A news article in the Sydney Morning Herald blows up our fax machine.

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I hope you’ll share your stories with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Chapter 2 Prototype Kills Sewing Thrills

I started sewing when I was 12 years old. Not because I thought it was a handy skill to have. No. I was flunking sewing in junior high school. And I had something to prove.

I was an honour student. Scoring A’s & B’s. And here I was, flunking of all things, SEWING!

I come from a family of innate talent. My mother was a couture dressmaker in New York City. My father was a very talented pencil artist and in great demand as a freelance commercial artist. My grandmother sang at the Metropolitan Opera. My maternal grandfather was a barber. His shop was on Broadway and he was a barber to the Broadway stars. Next door was my paternal grandfather, a shoemaker. He made shoes for the likes of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks! Even my older sister showed early talent as a gifted artist in charcoals.

I assumed I also inherited this mass of unbridled talent that knew no bounds.

But I didn’t.

My school sewing project, a simple blouse, had me stumped. I remember the blouse well. It was pale blue cotton with a simple collar, short baby doll sleeves, front and back darts that fitted at the waist and buttons down the front.

The semester was 12 weeks long. By the end of the 12 weeks, we were supposed to have finished our blouse and wear it to school on the last day. Most of my classmates not only finished their blouse, but were making skirts and dresses to fill in the gap until the end of the semester.

Five days before the end of the semester, I still hadn’t sewn two seams together correctly. My darts were not only pathetically crooked, but were barely holding together. Because I had to rip the stitching out so many times, the fabric was so perforated it resembled tatting more than a solid piece of cotton.

In desperation, I took my blouse home for my mother to finish so I could wear it to class on the last day. And as all mothers do for the children they love, she rescued me and made my blouse wearable.

But she couldn’t do much on the presentable front, what with all the holes I made from ripping stitches out. The uneven collar length, a result of my seam ripping, followed by the trimming I did to even things up, was too much of a challenge.

My sewing teacher rewarded me by giving me a ‘D’ rather than an ‘F’. She personally thought me inept and deserving an ‘F’. I thought she was cold and unhelpful.

Why was she so gracious? Deep within her beat a slightly warm heart.

As an honour student, an ‘F’ would keep me off the honour roll that semester. But I was liked by my school principal, who told her I had scored enough A’s during the semester to make up for a ‘D’ and could, therefore, stay on the honour roll.

With a ‘D’, my sewing teacher achieved her objective of marking me low. I was genuinely grateful for such a merciful decision!!

Infuriated that I couldn’t get the hang of sewing, I decided to teach myself, with the help of my very talented mother. Never one to turn my back on a challenge, I immersed myself in all the technicalities of sewing and discovered I absolutely loved the creative thrill it gave me. To wear something to school that was admired by my classmates was flattering.

My ‘bespoke’ clothes transformed me from 'inept' into 'expert'. I became a fountain of knowledge about sewing and was the girl everyone turned to for tips and information.

From the age of 12 until 1994, I made everything. All my clothes of every description, including tailored suits, overcoats and lingerie. Home furnishings, bedspreads, slipcovers, blinds, lampshades. There was nothing I hadn’t tackled.

So when my partner, Victor Pleshev, asked if I would make the ironing board cover he wanted to design for his mother, I said yes in the blink of an eye. What’s to an ironing board cover? It has a fabric top and elastic around the edge. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?

That’s the last time I’ve said yes without asking what he has in mind.

When Victor showed me his design, I realised he was going to use his 25 years of architectural design and structural knowledge to develop an ironing board cover the world had never seen before.

What I didn’t know, is that I would sew virtually non stop for 6 weeks.

Victor also had his own eye-opening discoveries.

His first was not knowing the size of his mother’s board. As this was a surprise gift for her, he couldn’t ask her. And a quick walk through any hardware store showed him there were a few sizes to choose from.

Not to be deterred, he rang Hills Industries in Sydney, who make ironing boards, and developed a friendship with their technical director. He gave Victor all the information he needed to be able to develop a cover that would fit every board made within the last 60 years.

Hills Industries was more than a bit amused that an architect was trying to design a cover for his mother.

With that out of the way, we had to assemble all the components before we could sew the first stitch.

First was choice of fabric. And this was our initial indication that maybe his mother, Rita, wasn’t the only one who had a problem with poorly fitting ironing board covers.

A search through Material Matters in Mudgee NSW showed a large choice of synthetic fabrics, but a more limited choice of heavy duty, 100% cottons. When the sales person asked why it had to be pure cotton and not a synthetic, I told her it was for an ironing board cover, so it had to be durable and resistant to burning. “Ah,” she said, “so you’ve had enough of those cheap covers, too?”

One light bulb goes on!!

Second component. What was he going to use for the tension cord? This is the secret ingredient that gives the perfect fit and stops the cover from moving on the board. It has to be stretchable, but much firmer than ordinary elastic.

As an architect, Victor is used to ringing suppliers to find the unusual to fill design criteria, so this was nothing different. Calls showed, however, that there was only one company in Australia who made what he wanted. It was cotton covered shock cord. And he could buy a small quantity of 100 metres. We needed 1.8 metres, but 100 metres we had to buy if he wanted to make this for his mother.

Third component. The clips to secure the crisscross tension cord. We looked at - to me – thousands of options, but came back to one type that we knew would last forever. Curtain track glides. Think about it. You pull your drapes and curtains back and forth a squillion times and they rarely ever break.

Fourth was the interior elastic that threads through the hem that ensures the cover always has a tailored, sculpted look. As a sewer I only used braided elastic. But we were presented with a cheaper option of knitted elastic. One quick yank and the knitted elastic broke. We were never able to break the more expensive braided elastic. So braided elastic it was. It was our easiest decision.

All up, there are 11 components to this cover. I felt like Sherlock Holmes, hunting for and then celebrating the discovery of each elusive item we wanted.

Assembling them seemed to me the hard part, and once completed, we were ready to sew. I thought we’d knock this over before dinner!

6 weeks later the cover was finished.

This wasn’t a spare time project. Victor dedicated every day, often several hours a day, to complete this gift. This was a harder challenge than he anticipated and he was going to see it to completion. And completion day was March 20th. His mother’s birthday.

Because Victor wanted to make sure this cover would fit his mother’s board without any hiccups, he insisted it had to be a one size cover that fits all boards. So we borrowed ironing boards in every size from our new country neighbours, for our fittings.

They thought we were raving lunatics from the city.

As did farming friends from nearby Mudgee NSW who rang to invite us out several times during those 6 weeks, only to be told we couldn’t go. Denis finally asked what we were doing that made us so anti-social. We reluctantly told him we were designing an ironing board cover. He hung up, speechless!

The design and sewing was done in 3 segments. The nose first, the heel next and the middle last. Doesn’t sound hard, does it?

But we were novices at this. Driving on ‘L’ plates without an instructor. So every segment was cut out, sewn and fitted an interminable number of times. The slightest crease or bulge meant an adjustment had to be made. A new piece cut out, sewn and refitted. Again. And again. And again.

One day I was sitting at my sewing machine watching Victor do a ‘fitting’ and realised I could no longer stand the sound of the ironing board creaking. Every time he touched it to adjust his prototype, it creaked. And it seemed to me it creaked non stop, hour after hour.

There was personal conflict as well. Victor at times assumed the mantle of commander-in-chief and insisted on telling me how to construct his prototype. Him telling me how to sew! That’s like me leaning over his shoulder and telling him how a roof should be pitched.

We got through that with stony silences from me.

Victor simply thought I was the wicked witch from Oz –and best avoided at every sighting!

As with all things, the day came when it was finished. Finally, once and for all. Never to be made again.

It was tucked into its little pouch, complete with fitting instructions, and mailed to his mother, Rita, as a surprise birthday present.

I blew it a kiss as it went down the chute of the post office.

I desperately wanted her to like it – to make the 6 weeks worthwhile - but deep down, I never wanted to see that cover again!

But as with some things, they don’t happen as you’d like. She loved it. She told her friends. We made 20 more. Then made the next 500.

And I grew to hate the sight of my sewing machine.

This accidental business is growing. There are now more than 75,000 covers in use around the world and increasing every day. But now all our covers are made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at http://www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come! The leading hand who forbids us to return. Divorcing couples fighting over their ironing board cover. The bikies who storm our front gate to buy a cover. A news article in the Sydney Morning Herald blows up our fax machine.

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I hope you’ll share your ironing stories with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn

Friday, June 09, 2006

Chapter 1 An Accidental Business Is Born

We had a different life before I became The Ironing Board Cover Lady.

I was a market research consultant and on the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Sydney.

My partner, Victor Pleshev, was an architect with his own practice.

We shared offices and clerical staff on the top floor of an old soap factory on the waterfront at Mort Bay in East Balmain NSW. In the same space where a few years earlier, Ben Lexcen was busy developing the ground breaking designs for Australia II. And stunned the yachting world when Australia II was the first challenger in 132 years to win the Americas Cup.

The 'recession we had to have' in Australia, starting in 1989, decimated the building industry and architects in particular. Victor's main clients were developers and they were the first to fall.

By early 1992 the writing was well and truly on the wall. We had to close our business, say goodbye to our 16 devoted staff, sell our house of 19 years to pay our debts and make a new beginning.

The new beginning wasn't a hard decision. We've always wanted to live in the Australian bush. But on different terms. Have a country house and keep our city terrace house in Balmain, where we lived. The city terrace house had to go, but the country property was a definite possibility.

There was an extended drought in 1992 and our purchase was an over cleared, over grazed, small sheep property of 54 hectares (about 130 acres) selling for the right price.

What attracted us was WATER! It had a drought proof bore. Why is that exciting? It meant we could have the large country garden we’ve always dreamed of.

I'm an expat American. Born in New York City. I've mainly lived in apartments, townhouses or terrace houses with small gardens. I've always yearned for the solitude and freedom of the wide open spaces. But you can't have a garden without water. Our climate here is hot and dry in summer and cold and frosty in winter. We have abundant winter rains but sluggish summer rains. So a drought proof bore means part of our dream could come true.

The location is perfect. The village of Ilford is 970 metres high and tucked between the scenic hills of Bathurst and the burgeoning vineyards of Mudgee. And only a few hours from Sydney.

But alas, we still had to earn a living. Selling our terrace house in Balmain to avoid bankruptcy means we weren't independently wealthy. Victor came with some architectural projects in tow, but I came with no work prospects at all. And the architectural work would dry up quickly.

Victor has always designed products for his clients, so we decided we'd try our hand at product design.

Our first successful product was an accident. An ironing board cover. Designed as a gift for his mother.

His mother, Rita, was recovering from a stroke. Her major side effect was the loss of feeling in her right hand. Not noticeable to you and me, but a problem for her. Holding a teacup, struggling with an ironing board cover that constantly moved, holding an iron, weren't easy tasks for Rita.

While visiting her in Sydney in 1994 and watching her iron, she burst into tears because she couldn't control both her iron and the moving cover on her board.

The next day we went out to buy her a decent cover. One that wouldn’t move on her board.

We came back with a few. None of them did the job for her. The drawstring covers were too difficult for her to pull tight and the good quality elastic covers looked like giant mushrooms on her board because they didn't fit tight.

On our drive back to Ilford, Victor mused that if he could get a multistorey building to stay up, he could get an ironing board cover to stay on his mother's board.

And he did. Over a period of 6 weeks, he designed and perfected The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover. And gave it to his mother as a gift. And promptly forgot about it.

A few days later his mother rang. She had orders for 20 covers!

Victor reminded her he was an architect, not a maker of ironing board covers!

She explained to him that she loved her cover so much, she rang all her friends in the Russian community (yes, they're Russian) and they all wanted one. And we couldn't let her down by not making them.

So there we were, at our dining room table, cutting out and making ironing board covers at night. Victor was chief of layout and cutting and I was head seamstress. All we had was a small pair of battery operated scissors that cut only two pieces of fabric at a time, and a 20 year old domestic sewing machine and overlocker.

And so an accidental business is born.

There are now more than 75,000 covers in use around the world. And they're now made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.

To learn more about The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, visit our website at http://www.interfaceaustralia.com.

And there are more stories to come! The leading hand who forbids us to return. Divorcing couples fighting over their ironing board cover. The bikies who storm our front gate to buy a cover!

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you and I hope you’ll share your ironing stories with me.

Take care,


View CAROL JONES's profile on LinkedIn